Best Low-Code & No-Code Tools to Build With AI

We reviewed the most used platforms for no-code makers building with AI

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Artificial intelligence is no longer a topic of interest only for the tech community. Instead, AI has come a long way, transforming industries and streamlining various tasks. To this day, most of us use AI to have fun creating images, while some are developing products with low-code and no-code AI tools.

With the advent of no-code tools, almost anyone can leverage AI in their projects without the need for programming knowledge. The world of tech is constantly evolving! And with the rise of these tools, building complex apps and software has never been easier.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the best low-code and no-code tools that incorporate AI functionalities or integrations 👇

#1: Bubble

According to Josh Haas –Bubble founder and co-CEO–, AI and no-code tools have a “symbiotic relationship.” This means the pair works together in two dimensions: AI can make no-code tools more accessible, and vice versa.

Bubble offers a “super-powerful front end for AI.” This makes it easier for users to create AI-based apps on the platform. AI is also an “empowering mechanism” for users to build no-code apps and software more quickly and effectively. It’s a virtuous circle!

Here’s a real-life example: Mack Grenfell is the founder of, an SEO content platform that uses AI to help clients write articles based on keyword titles.

Grenfell built his platform using Bubble’s hybrid approach, combining the platform’s front end with custom Python scripts on the back end. This allowed him to focus on tuning scripts and API calls to get more out of rapidly evolving generative AI models. An example of this is the recently released GPT-4.

#2: Airtable

While Airtable doesn’t have any built-in AI features, it does offer a range of integrations with third-party AI tools. For example, users can integrate Airtable with AI-powered tools like Zapier. This helps automate tasks and processes. And allows users to send info between the two apps automatically –no code required–.

Also, users can use Airtable as a central hub for collecting and organizing data. Data can later be analyzed with AI tools like Google’s AI Platform or Amazon SageMaker. Moreover, users can integrate Airtable with AI-powered chatbot platforms. And use it to create and manage training data for machine learning models.

#3: Webflow

Webflow is a popular no-code website builder. As Airtable, Webflow doesn’t have any built-in AI features, but it does offer plenty of AI integrations. These include:

  • Luigi’s Box: a search and product discovery tool that increases revenue.
  • accessiBe: compliance management software.
  • UserWay: a website accessibility widget and audit report generator for compliance.
  • Equally AI: compliance management software.
  • Smith.AI: live chat and AI chatbot.
  • Stamplay: application integration and workflow automation for businesses.
  • Listen2It: text-to-audio conversion for businesses and individuals.
webflow nocode ai tool

#4: Google ML

Google ML is a suite of machine learning and AI products to help you incorporate ML models into your apps. With Google ML, businesses and developers can leverage the power of AI to create smarter applications.

One of the most popular tools offered by Google ML is Google Cloud AutoML. It’s a low-code platform that allows users to create custom ML models with minimal expertise in data science or machine learning.

Google ML also includes tools like TensorFlow, a popular deep-learning library utilized by AI experts. And ML Kit, which simplifies integrating ML into mobile apps. Overall, Google ML provides a wide range of options for both beginners and experts in AI.

With its powerful tools and easy-to-use interface, it’s a great choice for businesses looking to harness the power of AI.

#5: Hugging Face

Hugging Face is a community of AI enthusiasts who are passionate about making natural language processing (NLP) accessible to everyone. Hugging Face is committed to empowering developers with state-of-the-art NLP tools that are both powerful and easy to use.

If you’re a developer, you’ll be pleased to know that Hugging Face has developed the Transformers library. This library is designed to make it easy for developers to integrate cutting-edge NLP techniques into their applications (without the need for extensive coding or machine-learning expertise).

hugging face is a no code ai community

Transformers support a wide range of NLP tasks. These include:

  • Sentiment analysis.
  • Machine translation.
  • Summarization, and more.

So why not join the Hugging Face community today and start exploring the exciting world of natural language processing?

#6: Akkio

Akkio is a revolutionary no-code AI platform that has transformed the way businesses approach machine learning. With Akkio, building, training, and deploying machine learning models has never been easier or more accessible.

One of the benefits of Akkio is its user-friendly interface. This allows even those with little to no technical knowledge to harness the power of AI. Also, the platform’s drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to:

  • Import data,
  • select the desired AI model type,
  • and train the model in just a few clicks.

But what really sets Akkio apart is its focus on simplicity and ease of use. Unlike other AI platforms that require extensive coding and technical expertise, Akkio is designed to be intuitive and straightforward. This means that businesses can quickly integrate AI into their projects without having to worry about the complexities typically associated with machine learning.

#7: Microsoft Lobe

One of the key features of Microsoft Lobe is its ability to focus on image classification. Meaning that the platform is particularly useful for businesses interested in developing applications that can automatically recognize and tag specific objects within images.

This can streamline processes and improve decision-making, making it an essential tool for businesses across various industries.

YouTube video

#8: Nanonets

Nanonets is a low-code AI platform that enables users to build and deploy machine learning models for various tasks like object recognition and data extraction. Its AI model builder allows users to gather training data, label it, and build custom machine-learning models to address specific issues.

One of Nanonets’ key features is its focus on improving model performance with minimal labeled training data.

Nanonets can be used in fields such as healthcare, where extracting specific data from medical records can be automated. Or e-commerce, where recognizing products from images can be implemented for faster product cataloging.

#9: ObviouslyAI

ObviouslyAI is a no-code AI platform that uses natural language processing to allow users to ask questions about their data. And receive real-time insights and predictions. The platform excels at processing structured data in spreadsheets, providing instant actionable insights.

Users can upload their dataset and ask questions like “What is the predicted revenue for next month?”. Or “What factors are influencing churn rate?” and receive the analyzed information within minutes.

#10: DataRobot

DataRobot is a leading enterprise AI platform that helps organizations automate the end-to-end process of building, deploying, and maintaining AI and machine learning models. Their platform uses automated machine learning to rapidly build and deploy accurate predictive models, allowing organizations to leverage the power of AI without the need for extensive data science expertise.

Among its main AI functionalities and integrations are:

  1. Automated machine learning: the platform automates many of the time-consuming and complex tasks involved in model building. Such as feature engineering and model selection.
  2. Model deployment: it provides a range of deployment options, including batch and real-time scoring, REST APIs, and integration with popular cloud platforms.
  3. Integration with other tools and platforms.
  4. Model explainability and transparency: DataRobot provides tools for model explainability and transparency, allowing users to understand how models are making predictions and to identify potential biases or inaccuracies.
  5. Time-series forecasting: DataRobot has advanced capabilities for time-series forecasting, allowing users to build models that can predict future values based on historical data.

Low-code and no-code AI tools have democratized access to powerful AI capabilities, and even the no-code community can build amazing AI-powered tools without writing a single line of code. It’s just a matter of experimentation with the different no-code platforms out there.

Victoria Mortimer

Victoria Mortimer

I'm a journalist with a Social Communication degree, community manager, and content creator with over five years of experience. Now, I'm working as an independent writer passionate about community building, entrepreneurship, and social media.