
Black Girls CODE is a community that helps young Black and Latina women start a career in tech by providing education and guidance.

To join the community, you must be between 7 and 17. Although the community is open to girls from all races and ethnicities, they specifically focus on creating a safe, supportive environment for Black and Latina young women to thrive.

Inside the community, members participate in several in-person and virtual activities. These educational events include workshops, summer camps, webinars, expert interviews, hackathons, and more. Moreover, BCG has 16 local chapters, most of which are in diverse locations around the United States (except for one, located in South Africa).

By participating in these online or in-person activities, you will not only get all the necessary knowledge and career support you need to build a successful career in tech. Additionally, you will connect and interact with like-minded young women who are also eager to kickstart their professional path in the technology field.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2011
  • Founders:

    Kimberly Bryant

  • Amount of members: 30,000
  • Online Group: No
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: In Person, Virtual

Start a career in tech:
If you are between the ages of 7 and 17 and want to start a career in the technology field, the Black Girls CODE community is ideal to get all the necessary support and advice to kickstart your professional path.

Get top-notch education:
The community organizes in-person and online activities such as hackathons, workshops, interviews with experts, and even summer camps, which are all great education opportunities.

Connect with other women:
By joining BCG's local chapters and online events you will be able to connect with like-minded young women who are also interested in starting a career in tech.


To participate in BCG chapters and events, you must be between the ages of 7 and 17. Additionally, (although the community is open to all girls of any race and ethnicity), their focus is to create a community for young women of color, Black and Latina.

Learning Events

Black Girls CODE offers several programs and events, such as one-day workshops, enrichment activities, summer camps, and code clubs. Each program covers a specific subject in domains like virtual reality, robotics, game design, web design, and mobile app development.

Additionally, BGC has 16 local chapters (most of them in the United States and another one in South Africa) where it executes weekend workshops, hackathons, and additional events. These chapter events take place throughout the year and are led by tech professionals who guide members in learning the essentials of technology.

Networking Events

You can network with other members in-person, by participating in the community's local chapters and local events. On the other hand, if there aren't any events in your local area, you can also meet other community members through virtual activities and events.


The Black Girls CODE community allows Black and Latina young women and girls to acquire the necessary knowledge to start a career in tech, reducing the gender and race gap in the field.


"Thanks to your support, in the 2 weeks I was here I got to learn 3 coding languages, made my own website, a self-portrait, talked to an astronaut on the ISS, and had so much fun. Along the way, I was taught by 4 amazing people, had fun with my peers, and learned how to code. Without your support, I would not be here learning these amazing coding languages or making friends and I cannot thank you enough for one of the best experiences of my life." -Poppy L.

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