
Black in AI is a collaborative community for Black people working in Artificial Intelligence. Fostering diversity in the field and seeking to challenge the status quo, they offer learning and networking opportunities, along with financial aid.

Beyond the learning programs, they have social gatherings to discuss interests, challenges, opportunities, and collaborations. During these events, members participate in Q&A sessions and informal socializing.

To become a member, you first need to fill a review form. They accept members from a wide range of backgrounds including theory, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, data science, and applied statistics. If you don't identify as Black but as an ally, you're welcome to contribute to the diversity of the group too.

Membership is free and gives you access to an online forum and invitation to conferences and events. Besides, some members also enjoy scholarships and financial aid to assist conferences and enroll in programs.

YouTube video


  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2017
  • Founders:

    Timnit Gebru

  • Amount of members: 3,000
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: In Person, Virtual


Join a community for Black people working in AI:
Seeking to increase the presence of Black people in the AI field, the community provides places to learn and grow. By joining them, you will be challenging the status quo and contributing to a diverse workplace in the industry.

Besides, they embrace technology as a way of fighting against discrimination and promote its usage to create an impact for many.

Learn and develop your career:
A lot of learning programs are not designed for underrepresented minorities, and that has a huge impact on the life of professionals. At Black in AI, you can be sure that all of the learning opportunities are focused on offering tools for everyone.

Connect with professionals and leaders:
Conferences, events, and summer programs are excellent places to bond with fellows and build lifelong relationships. You can leverage these spaces to expand your network and meet more professionals working in your field.



To fill a review form including your current role, institution, and how you identify (Black, African descent, or an ally).


Learning Events

As a member, you can participate in virtual and in-person learning programs designed to support researchers, entrepreneurs, and undergraduates interested in AI. They host conferences and academic programs where professionals get to learn from industry experts to grow their careers.

Moreover, they have dedicated events to focus on barriers faced by Black people working on AI, and annual AI awards which costs are covered by the community scholarships.

Networking Events

During events and conferences, there are plenty of opportunities to socialize and connect with peers working in the field. You can leverage these opportunities to bond with colleagues and students and to connect with leaders and mentors willing to help you develop a successful career in AI.

Besides, members receive access to an online forum to stay in touch, ask questions, and share resources.

Content Library

Inside the membership section, there is a directory of members. The mission is to facilitate connections among professionals, and this curated directory can help you find people near you with the profile you're looking for.


As they work to impact the AI industry, the community offers scholarships and financial aid for members to attend conferences and summer programs.


"Thank you @black_in_ai for helping me host focus groups this summer. Being able to pay people for their energy spent has been difficult because my research is about abolition and Black mothers, two things no one ever wants to support. And I refuse to not pay people. I’m grateful." -Twitter user

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