
The Climate Changemakers community is a non-profit political organization that connects US-based volunteers looking to impact the world. As 28% of Americans are waiting to be asked to participate in political climate change activities, this community has the mission to turn that percentage into real impact.

Approaching weekly and small individual actions, they encourage volunteers to build transformative power together.

They believe climate action is political but not necessarily partisan. That's why the community doesn't directly support US parties, but support candidates committed to impacting the world.

This community runs in Slack, where any US citizen looking to change the world is welcome to join for free. But they also host a Europe chapter to join and support international volunteers.


  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Founders:

    Eliza Nemser

  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • ONG: Yes
  • Method: Virtual


Join a Slack community of climate change volunteers:
Discover people impacting the world and connect with volunteers from all over the United States. Inside, the community discusses political actions needed to generate a real change on our planet and the political candidates who align with these values.

Take political action to change the world:
Be active in the democratic system by working towards a better country and a better world. Discover the candidates that support your same values, and encourage people participation to build a better future.

Impact local and international organizations:
Although the community is US-based, they also have a chapter in Europe to encourage more people to join the movement. With unique policy advocacy, the community seeks to expand its reach and values around the world.



You need to complete a form including your personal information. Before joining in, you will be asked about the state you're living in. If you sign up for the Europe chapter, the process is quite similar: you need to fill a form with your personal data, location, and expectations to join the community.



The Climate Changemakers community encourages small actions to make a long-lasting impact. Following this path, they organize online events to discuss group actions to change the world.

These events are called "Hour of Action" and are hosted by both US and Europe chapters.

Anyone can join for free, whether or not you are part of the Slack community.

Networking Events

If you are US-based or located in Europe, local chapter communities are running Slack for you to join. Inside the online channels, you will find political conversations and ideas to impact the world from where you are.

You can join to take political action and get closer to those candidates committed to climate change. Although the community is intrinsically political, they are not partisans, but rather support all candidates and organizations that are committed to changing the world.

Moreover, the Slack community is a great place to find people who share your values. You can leverage these spaces to meet interesting folks looking forward to impacting our future.


They are a non-profit organization created to encourage political participation in climate change. Following their original guidelines and values, the community provides training to political candidates and organizations seeking to impact the planet.

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