
eCommtalk is a Slack community for Shopify experts, partners, and merchants gathered to exchange advice, honest feedback and make lasting relationships.

You can join the community for free to find channels for discussing development strategies and stay updated with the latest Shopify news and themes. There's also a job channel available where members offer marketing and research remote jobs.

Take advantage of the community to find valuable marketing strategies and get a dream job within the industry.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Amount of members: 4,000
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: Yes
  • Language: English
  • ONG: Yes
  • Method: Virtual

Shopify lovers community:
Find people running their businesses in eCommerce platforms and receive valuable feedback to improve your services. Exchange expertise and advice with a community of experts willing to support you. Ask for help and opinions before trying new software or hiring an outsourcing company.

News and resources: Find the latest news and discover new themes to boost your sales revenue. Find jobs within the job channel in Slack or post a job opportunity yourself.


No requirements.

Networking Events

Members met in Slack channels to get inspired by other eCommerce owners and find new ideas to implement in their businesses.

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