
Italians Who Design is a free directory for Italian designers and creatives to network, showcase their work and boost their careers.

It's completely free to join the community and appear in the Italians Who Design directory. You only need to complete an application form. Once you get accepted, you will appear in a repository of other Italian talents from diverse expertise fields. There are UX designers/writers, illustrators, service designers, graphic designers, motion graphics designers, and more.

The repository allows you to filter people by diverse categories. This way, you can find like-minded peers working in a similar field with whom to bounce ideas and exchange knowledge. On the other hand, if you are looking to hire fresh talent, you can use the repository to contact relevant people for your organization.

On the other hand, there is also a "Firms" directory. This gathers the best design firms in Italy, helping designers find their dream places to work. 


  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Founders:

    Andrea Paci

  • Online Group: No
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Find like-minded peers to connect with:
Italians Who Design allows you to browse a directory of other Italian designers. You can filter them by expertise field to find relevant people to connect with to bounce off ideas and exchange knowledge.

Get new career opportunities:
Having a profile on Italians Who Design allows you to get visibility to recruiters who are looking for fresh talent. You can create a profile that showcases your experience and relevant skills to improve your chances of getting relevant job offers.


To join Italians Who Design, you need to complete an application form and wait to be accepted.


Networking Events

The Italians Who Design directory is great to find like-minded peers who work in a similar design field as you. This way, you can connect with other designers worldwide to bounce off ideas and exchange knowledge. On the other hand, if you are looking to hire fresh talent for your company or business, this directory will also help you contact relevant designers.

Content Library

Besides the members' directory of like-minded Italian designers, there is also a Design Firms repository. This includes a comprehensive list of the best design firms in Italy, allowing designers to discover their dream place to work. On the other hand, you can also read the community's newsletter, full of great UX design tips.


Italians Who Design is a great initiative that allows Italian designers to get visibility, showcase their work, and get new career opportunities.

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