
LGBTQ in Technology is a free community for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, gender-non-conforming, and queer people working in the technology field.

The community has a Slack group where members get to know each other and share tech content. A basic rule of the group is to identify yourself as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and respect others. It's also important to be discrete and keep the information shared on Slack there unless somebody specifies that it can be shared.

On the one hand, the community's Slack group includes a channel to post job offers. These contain not only the job title, but also a job description, the salary range, the company culture, and a way to contact the company regarding the job.

On the other hand, the LGBTQ in Technology Slack group also opens spaces for diverse subcultures. For example, there are exclusive channels for trans, bisexuals, agenders, etc. Members must respect these subcultures and participate in channels they feel identified with.

Lastly, all members have access to three general channels: announcements, introductions, and general chat. Joining the rest of the channels is up to you, and they can vary according to your identity and preferences.


  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2015
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Find a safe space:
LGBTQ in technology creates a safe atmosphere for members to interact and share tech content. The Slack group is divided into diverse subcultures. Thus, each member can join the channels he/she/they feel comfortable with.

Find a job:
The community has a job board. To post, it's important to meet the guidelines. All posts must have a title, description, salary, status, and link.

Interact with like-minded people:
LGBTQ in Technology is an exclusive community for LGBTQ members. It guarantees a safe environment where all participants can feel at ease to share their experiences and bounce off ideas with each other.



No requirements.


Networking Events

Members of LGBTQ in Technology interact through a Slack group. There are many channels for members to join and participate. Three hegemonic channels (available to all members) include #introductions, #announcements, and #chat. Apart from these, members can join diverse subculture-specific channels and participate by actively respecting others' identities.

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