
MICE is a free community that is creating a decentralized web3 media network where web3 enthusiasts and professionals are able to connect and interact.

It's completely free to join the community's Discord server. Inside, members from all over the world discuss the latest news and trends in the crypto, web3, and NFTs spaces. It's a great place to find like-minded people to connect with.

One of the strongest focuses of the community is freedom of speech. They focus on individual freedom and condone the canceling culture, for example. You must accept their rules and have a similar ideology to join this community.

Besides participating in lively discussions, the Discord server is a place where you can join interviews with experts in the web3 space.

YouTube video


  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2022
  • Founders:

    Chris Crane and Bryn Davis

  • Amount of members: 1,750
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Connect with like-minded web3 enthusiasts:
The MICE community and its Discord server are an ideal place to find and connect with other web3, crypto, and NFTs enthusiasts from all over the world.

Discuss news and trends in web3:
The MICE Discord server is where you can participate in lively conversations around the latest news and trends in the web3 space, with a strong focus on freedom of speech.



No requirements.


Learning Events

MICE organizes regular interviews with experts in the web3 and crypto space.

Networking Events

You can interact with other members of MICE by joining the community's Discord server. There, members discuss recent news and trends in the web3 space with a strong focus on promoting freedom of speech.

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