
MMA Chat is a free community with a Discord server for MMA fans, although members also discuss other types of sports.

You can join this Discord server for free without any previous requirements. MMA Chat focuses mostly on discussing MMA fights, but members also talk about other sports. For example, there are channels to discuss boxing, football, kickboxing, and wrestling, among others. However, keep in mind that this is not a community that shares streams. It's explicitly forbidden to ask for a stream or share one.

Additionally, MMA Chat includes a betting channel (although the community does not enforce payment). On the other hand, there are also two channels for sharing sports news, one is specific for fight news while the other focuses on general news. Moreover, the "fight gifts" and "highlights" channels are full of audiovisual content, mostly pictures and videos of fights.

Apart from discussing the MMA, the community offers additional channels for casual discussion. You can talk about many topics. Some of them are training and nutrition, pets, gaming, food, movies, music, books, and cars. You can also have fun by sharing and looking at memes.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Amount of members: 118,367
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Find the latest news:
As a fan of MMA fights, you might find it important to be up-to-date on the last results and events. This community is perfect for it since it shares upcoming fights, general news, and MMA Twitter feeds.

Enjoy audiovisual content:
There is nothing better than watching your favorite fighters on the wrestling ring. Inside MMA Chat, you will find pics and videos of fights shared by members who also analyze different fighters' performances.

Hang out with like-minded people:
The community offers multiple channels to talk about general topics. You will share interests, hobbies, and opinions with like-minded people who also enjoy MMA fights.


No requirements.

Networking Events

Members of the MMA Chat interact through the community's Discord server. Overall, the server focuses on discussing the MMA and also diverse types of sports. So it's a fantastic place to find like-minded people who also share your passion for fights and sports in general. However, you can also casually interact with others inside the community's off-topic channels.

Indeed, there is a section called "Locker Room". It contains 11 channels that focus on discussing diverse, casual topics. For example, people can talk about training and nutrition: members are constantly sharing lifestyle advice or suggestions. Also, there is an off-topic channel. As its name states, the channel is open to discussing random topics.

There are also channels to talk about gaming, cars, pets, food, movies, books, TV shows, memes, and music. By participating in MMA Chat, you will be sharing interests, hobbies, and opinions with like-minded people from all over the world and hanging out with fellow MMA fans.

Content Library

The content present in this community is mainly related to MMA fights. You can find content such as links to news, fighters' videos, and pictures. Generally, "fight news", "news", "highlights", and "fight gifts" are the channels used to share most of the community's audiovisual content.

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