Neurogether is an online free community for neurology professionals and researchers to gather and discuss all things neurology.
On the one hand, the community offers "Neuro Editorials". These are scientific articles on a specific topic related to neurology. Other members can interact by leaving a comment or a reaction to the post. Neurogether also has two journals to post scientific research: Frontiers and Plos. The first one approaches frontiers in different neuro fields, and the other is for general neuroscience issues.
On the other hand, you can search for "Neuro Institutions" worldwide. Neurogether has a world map with neurology institutions, research labs, and groups in diverse locations. If you have a neurology institution, a lab, or a group, you can submit your data to be part of the map and showcase your work.
Additionally, the community hosts several events and conferences. The most iconic is the "Neurogether Conference" which is held annually. Well-known professors take part as speakers. Moreover, Neurogether also has a podcast with episodes discussing general neuroscience matters.
Participate in events:
The community hosts events and conferences in different neuroscience fields, which are great learning and networking opportunities. Sometimes, the Neurogether community also participates in festivals.
Read interesting articles:
The community offers two journals with high-quality articles on general neuroscience and exploring the existing frontiers in different neuro fields. Additionally, "Neurogether Editorials" are additional research articles on neuroscience.
Find a place or person:
Neurogether has two interactive maps. The first one allows you to find neuro institutions around the world. The second one is for looking for research labs and groups of neurology professionals.
No requirements.
Neurogether hosts and participates in diverse events and conferences. The conferences welcome expert speakers and guests who discuss research breakthroughs and insights. Most of the events are in person so they allow members to expand their network and meet colleagues, although you can also find some virtual events. Additionally, Neurogether participates occasionally in festivals held by other communities or organizations.
Members have the chance to interact during and after the events and conferences. They can also make friends, get followers, and join groups (or even create new ones) inside the platform. It's also possible to upload photos and create an album and interact with others' albums.
The community offers content in different formats. Firstly, it has two journals that constantly publish articles about general neuroscience and the existing frontiers in different neuro fields such as human neuroscience, neurology, cellular neuroscience, etc. On the other hand, you can also find "Neurogether Editorials", which are posts containing scientific research on the field.
Additionally, the community has a podcast section. The episodes (one hour on average each) discuss different topics related to neuroscience. Lastly, other resources include interactive maps with institutions, research labs, and neuroscience groups in diverse locations around the world.