Parrity it's a peer-to-peer learning community that allows you to read and publish content on entrepreneurship, startups, business, sales, and marketing.
It's completely free to join. As an author, you can publish to Parrity for free and get exposure for your work. Publishing in Parrity will allow you to access an audience of other entrepreneurs and business people to grow as an author. Additionally, you can join Parrity's Slack group to interact with like-minded people, bounce off ideas and insights, and share knowledge.
On the other hand, Parrity allows you to have consistent, reliable information to learn about the entrepreneurial world. You will find new articles and ebooks every day from independent writers and well-known minds in the business world.
Topics range from digital marketing and business to human resources, sales, product development, UX/UI, e-commerce, and more. You can also subscribe to Parrity's newsletter to stay up-to-date with new content and updates from the community.
Connect with like-minded people:
Parrity's Slack group allows you to connect for free with other people in the entrepreneurial world. By joining, you can bounce off ideas with other entrepreneurs, startup founders, and business authors.
Learn new insights from independent authors:
Inside this community, you will be able to learn a lot of topics like marketing, business, and sales from independent authors and well-known minds in the business world.
Get exposure by publishing your work:
If you are an author, you can publish your work to Parrity. It's a great opportunity to build an audience and network with other authors in the field.
No requirements.
You can connect and interact with other entrepreneurs in Parrity's Slack group. This group is intended to ask questions and share knowledge, using the same P2P learning principle that powers the Parrity publication system.
Additionally, you can meet like-minded authors by reading and interacting with what they publish on Parrity. If you are an author, you can get exposure by publishing your work with Parrity.
Parrity allows you to explore content from independent writers about business, entrepreneurship, and marketing. You can find lots of articles and ebooks on topics like human resources, sales, management, product development, UX/UI, finances, leadership, e-commerce, and more.