
Screenwriting is a subreddit for beginner and professional screenwriters to help each other with advice, feedback, and connections.

Members use the subreddit to share resources and strategies. There is a weekly thread every day of the week to guarantee fluid communication.

  • Logline Monday: It's used to share loglines and ask for feedback.
  • Beginner Questions Tuesday: Members use it to ask everything related to screenwriting.
  • General Discussion Wednesday: To discuss film, TV, and entertainment topics.
  • 5 Page Thursday: Members ask for feedback on their 5-page screenplays.
  • Weekend Script Swap: It is used to post scripts swap requests.

Additionally, r/Screenwriting has a Discord server. It includes diverse writing clubs for members to join and channels to ask and receive feedback (especially in script building). On the other hand, there is also a section that focuses on story development. This Discord server even has channels oriented to crafting, plotting, character development, etc. Lastly, there is also a space dedicated to workshops and general discussion.

The subreddit has some guidelines for beginners and professional writers to participate in the community. These are complemented with a FAQ section. Furthermore, the subreddit includes different resources such as recommended podcasts and YouTube channels.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2009
  • Amount of members: 1,600,000
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Join a writing club:
The community's Discord server has a channel with a direct link to different writing clubs. You need to create an account and then choose the one you prefer.

Learn about story development:
Additionally, r/Screenwriting's Discord server has a whole section focused on story development. Members can learn and discuss plotting, character building, collaborating, and other relevant topics.

Host an AMA:
The community opens the chance to host an AMA, which is great for gaining authority and visibility in the field. You just need to tell the mods one week before the event so they help you with the post.


No requirements.


The r/Screenwriting community has a weekly thread for every day of the week. This is a chance to connect with other members on a regular basis and maintain fluid communication.

Learning Events

Members have the opportunity to host their own AMAs. They need to notify mods about their intentions to host an AMA and the date. Then, mods will help by providing guidance on how to create the AMA's post. This is great for you to build authority and get visibility. Additionally, other members' AMAs will help you solve doubts and learn more about screenwriting.

Networking Events

Members of r/Screenwriting interact through Reddit and DiscordThe Discord server allows members to chat in real-time and includes six different sections.

The first section is for general information, rules, and help. The second section focuses on members' introductions and roles. The next one provides general discussion channels and one focused on TV & Films. Section 4 is to ask for and receive feedback and help on script building. Section 5 debates story development issues. Lastly, section 6 is to share workshops.

Content Library

r/Screenwriting has a very useful wiki with general information, guides, and tutorials on screenwriting.

Additionally, the community offers audiovisual resources to support members' learning processes. On the one hand, there is a section of recommended podcasts with five series hosted by diverse guest experts who discuss a specific topic in the industry. On the other hand, you can also explore the YouTube channels recommended by the community. There are four and all of them approach screenwriting from different perspectives.

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