
Rockedia is a free Spanish-speaking community created to accelerate your startup launching. The group runs in a Discord server, where members help each other with resources, education, mentorship, and support.

Inside the server, you will find several channels with co-founding opportunities, events, news, and more. Besides, it's a great group for those looking for new job opportunities in the startup world.

Bu joining in, you will be part of a group full of marketers, founders, and passionate professionals. They keep the community active with daily conversations and trend insights about DAOs and crypto.

Moreover, Rockedia has general channels to discuss investment and crowdfunding opportunities for DAOs, and spaces to meet amazing people working on similar projects.

With dedicated places to ask your specific questions, the community is an excellent resource to boost your career and focus on what matters for your business. Start now for free and be part of a vibrant group in Spanish, but also with English-speaking channels to practice your speech.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Founders:

    Luis Carranza Perales

  • Amount of members: 253
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: Yes
  • Language: English, Spanish
  • Method: Virtual

Join a community for blockchain startups:
Rockedia is an online space for entrepreneurs and related professionals looking to grow their careers. You will find community support and weekly new resources to turn your ideas into profitable online businesses. It's a very collaborative space where you can ask your questions, find new job opportunities and create new connections.

Participate in online events:
They meet every Friday to discuss the news in the blockchain startups universe. You can join them for free, and leverage community wisdom to overcome any barrier holding your projects back. Besides, members share the most exciting events for the community to participate in.

Find your team:
With channels designed to connect entrepreneurs with talented professionals, the community is an excellent space to build your dream team. And if you're looking to offer your services, these channels are perfect to explore exciting projects and people requesting your abilities.

With high-quality resources shared, the Discord server has become a valuable source of information. You can find advice on investment, co-founding, startup building, and more.

Build new skills:
Join the English-lobby channel to connect with more professionals around the world. Sharpen your English skills and practice your speech to expand your reach beyond frontiers.


No requirements.


They meet regularly to discuss startup building and showcase new projects. These weekly meetings are hosted every Friday and provide spaces to share your challenges, get support, and find inspiration. Besides, the community facilitates mentorship opportunities to grow without limits leveraging peer experience.

Networking Events

The community runs in Discord, where members participate in daily conversations and weekly events.

Everyone is welcome to join for free, and as a member, you will find a lot of networking opportunities inside. There are plenty of channels to help you with particular questions, find resources, and connect with potential investors and professionals.

You can leverage the space to meet new people in the Latinamerica startup world, and connect with founders building their teams. Besides, the community shares interesting events and learning programs to participate in together.


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