
The Journey is a free community for runners where you can find accountability and curated content to support you in your training.

You can join the community by applying on their website. Once you get accepted, you will enter an online group where you can interact and connect with other members. This online group's purpose is to share inspiring stories and experiences, as well as members' fails and wins. This makes the community an excellent resource to keep you accountable for your running goals and to help you reach your training milestones.

Besides the online group, that serves as a safe space to network, the community organizes events several times per year. Since it has members from all over the world, some events are in-person but most of them are virtual. These events help you learn how to grow as a runner while you meet like-minded people that share the same passion for running.

On the other hand, The Journey has several learning resources. For example, you can view and collaborate on their film database. This database feature inspiring films and documentaries about athletes and runners. Additionally, you can follow the community's playlists on Spotify to get motivation and go further every time you train.

Lastly, you can subscribe to The Journey newsletter to get weekly motivational tips, nutrition hacks, and general trail running information. Their YouTube channel is also a great library to access the recordings of all past events that you may have missed.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2021
  • Founders:

    Francisco Fonseca

  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: In Person, Virtual

Keep yourself accountable in your training:
The Journey is a great community for accountability. Members share inspiring stories and experiences that will help you to push further to accomplish your running milestones.

Interact and connect with other runners:
The community's online group is a safe space where you can share your struggles and wins while meeting like-minded people that share the same passion for running.

Get curated content for runners:
Besides their database of inspiring films and documentaries, the community also has Spotify playlists, a newsletter full of tips, and a YouTube channel where you can watch all past events.


No requirements.

Learning Events

The community hosts virtual and in-person events several times per year. These events' main purpose is to help you be a better runner by giving you support and tips to improve your training. You will also be able to connect with other members and get a motivation boost by hearing some inspiring stories.

Networking Events

The Journey has an online group where members connect and interact on a daily basis. This online safe space is for members to share experiences, learnings, challenges, and successes.

The community keeps you accountable for your running milestones and helps you to achieve your goals with the ongoing support of other runners. The rest of the members will inspire you to keep momentum. You will get to know like-minded people who share the same passion for running.

Content Library

The Journey's newest project is called Ultrarunning Movie Database. The goal of this database is to gather the most inspiring films and documentaries featuring athletes and runners. Additionally, the community has several Spotify playlists to accompany you in your runs.

On the other hand, you can find more useful resources by subscribing to The Journey's newsletter. Each week, you will receive straight to your inbox useful mindset tips, as well as nutrition hacks and trail running information. Lastly, the community's YouTube channel is the place to go to watch past events you may have missed.


"What I'm trying to do is to manage my emotions. I look at a lot of my training as a way to help me cope with some mental problems... It does help me cope with that. Sometimes I find myself training multiple times a day just to make sure I'm keeping everything in check because when I let things start to get out of line, I'm less productive as an individual" -Dylan Scott

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