
Write Useful Books is a community created around the book with the same name, for non-fiction writers to find support, feedback, and accountability.

For $19/month, you can join the community and get a PDF copy of the book. Most community members have read the book and are applying its techniques and principles. There are over 120 non-fiction authors in the community to help and guide you in the overwhelming task of writing, editing, and publishing a book.

Members communicate in a Slack group. Inside, you can find all the support you need to build a consistent writing habit. If you don't know how to do something, chances are some of the community's members have already figured it out. It's a supportive community of authors that help each other out whenever possible.

Every week, members gather to participate in the weekly accountability groups. In each session, members share what they have written and what are their goals for the upcoming week. After the accountability session, members turn off their mics and have 30 minutes of deep work. This space of undistracted work is the perfect opportunity to advance in your top book task for the week.

Additionally, every week you can participate in Q&As with expert authors. This is a great chance for you to ask successful writers all you want to know about writing and publishing.

On the other hand, as a member of the community, you will have access to a library full of resources. There are videos, articles, guides, and interviews with experts. A very useful resource is the publishing checklist, which includes all the tasks you need to perform before, during, and after publishing your book. Lastly, you will get free access to Help This Book, a beta reading platform built by Rob, the community's founder.

  • Membership: Paid Community
  • Founders:

    Rob Fitzpatrick

  • Amount of members: 120
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Learn how to write successful non-fiction books:
Rob Fitzpatrick (author and founder of the community), has written a book called Write Useful Books. Most community members have read the book and are applying its techniques and strategies to write their own non-fiction books.

Get the accountability you need to complete your book:
To write a book is an overly difficult task to accomplish alone. A community full of non-fiction writers will give you the motivation you need to get started, the feedback you need to keep going, and the accountability to finish and publish it.

  • Participate in weekly meetings:
    The community host weekly meetings. Whether you participate in the accountability writing sessions, or you join the weekly Q&A sessions with experts, you will have plenty of networking and learning opportunities to further grow as a writer.
  • Monthly Cost
Included in Free Version

For free, you can get some of the resources compiled by the community. These resources include guides, articles, interviews, and videos about writing promotable non-fiction books.


No requirements.


Write Useful Books organize one-hour, weekly live accountability groups. These sessions are ideal for each member to share their past-week work. You can share your wins and challenges, as well as comment on what your next goals are. To hear other writers celebrate their wins and share their struggles is also a great motivation and a reminder that you are not alone.

Additionally, after the accountability session, you can participate in a live writing session. These coworking sessions last 30 minutes. Every participant leaves their cams on and turns off their microphones. You will be able to concentrate on your task at hand by having the social pressure of just sharing what your next goal is. The 30-minute deep work session is very useful for getting that day's small win that will keep you on track.

Learning Events

The community organizes weekly live educational events. These usually consist of Q&As or talks with expert authors, who have already written successful books. You will be able to ask them anything you want to know, getting exclusive insights you won't find anywhere else.

Networking Events

Community members interact daily in a Slack group. Inside the online group, different writers celebrate each other small wins and help with common problems. The goal is to get unstuck and build a consistent habit of doing some work every day. The group is a place to keep yourself motivated and accountable.

Additionally, the Slack group is perfect to get advice and leveraging other writers' knowledge. There is probably someone in the group who has overcome your biggest obstacle right now and who can give you a hand. Lastly, you will be able to get valuable feedback that will save you hours of writing unnecessary manuscripts.

Content Library

The community has a content library with some useful resources. It includes some guides, articles, videos, and interviews with experts.

Additionally, as a member of the community, you can get a valuable publishing checklist that includes all the production tasks you need to do before, during, and after publishing your book. Lastly, you can access for free to Help This Book, a beta reader platform the community's founder has built.


"Ya know what else was amazing about that? That I could, at 7 in the morning, fire up Zoom and join RJ Youngling, Arvid Kahl, and Robfitz in a small group. Sipping coffee while sitting with thought and industry leaders. Freakin awesome. Thanks.” -James Counihan

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