
The Co.Lab community offers peer-learning programs to help you gain real-world experience as a product builder. With courses focused on product building, team management, Web3, and growth marketing, you can cultivate new skills and learn faster with peer support.

As they focus on learning in community, the programs are far different from traditional courses. The system joins participants in group meetings to follow the classes together. By joining with peers, you will be able to make questions related to the projects you're building, and help other founders with their ideas.

With Co.Lab, those days of watching structured videos in isolation are over. As a participant, you can build your MVP with the support of other founders, learn software development, and apply to join a private community on Discord.

To participate in a program, you first need to pre-register and stay updated with the upcoming classes dates. There is a minimum student goal to ensure your experience will be constructive and enriching.

Classes are 100% online, and pricing varies according to the courses you're enrolling in. Even so, the Discord community is open and completely free to join.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2020
  • Founders:

    Sefunmi Osinaike and Helen Huang

  • Amount of members: 546
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Cultivate new skills in community:
Although online learning is a trend nowadays, many learners quit after a few classes. And isolation is a common cause of online students' dissertations. Consequently, to provide a deeper learning experience, the Co.Lab community offers a different system that will help you stay motivated and engaged.

Join a small group of online learners taking the same courses, and help each other overcome any barriers that stand in the way of the learning journey.

Access affordable high-quality training:
With a large library of courses to enroll in, you can uplevel your skills and learn how to manage your projects with ease.

Meet new people:
As they match you with learners sharing your same interests and pursuing similar goals, you will have plenty of networking opportunities. Leverage these spaces to bond with like-minded learners and build new relationships.

Included in Free Version

You can join the Discord community and access some courses for free.


No requirements.

Learning Events

They have a bootcamp program where participants learn by building real products. With the support of expert mentors working in world-class companies, you will be guided in learning activities and practical workshops.

Enroll to be part of hands-on projects and work on unconventional products. It's a great opportunity to build leadership skills and bring your ideas to life.

The program covers product design, software development, and product management. It's an 8-weeks long program that will provide you with the experience needed to succeed in your industry.

Networking Events

The community engages in a Discord server, where course attendees participate in private discussions to deepen their learning experience.

Moreover, there are plenty of channels to cowork, chat, and even listen to music together. In addition, you will find channels to share resources and milestones with the community.

But beyond learning and leisure activities, there are spaces to find job opportunities, career advice, and support to overcome your most challenging obstacles.

Content Library

Inside the resources section, you will find e-books, videos, courses, and success stories to support your learning journey.


The Co.Lab community offers courses designed to help you in the development of your career. From product management to team building, the community has the perfect learning program for people building online products.

Prices vary according to the course you enroll in, starting for free in some cases.

These courses are backed up with community support in live classes and inside the Discord server. Indeed, what makes Co.Lab so special is their peer learning structure that encourages learners to move forward with their classes easily.


"What I like the most is learning live with a group of people. It's really great to hear from different perspectives and personalities." -Daniel

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