
CryptoTraders is an online paid community for crypto enthusiasts and professionals who are looking to maximize their trading profits.

You can access the Discord server for free and explore it with full access for 14 days. However, after that, if you want to stay you will have to choose among three membership tiers:

  • Elite Trader: $38 per month.
  • Gold Trader: $388 per year.
  • Platinum Trader: $988 for lifetime access.

The CryptoTraders community allows you to interact with like-minded people, follow influential traders, and learn about trading in general. Is a great space to participate in if you are serious about trading and investing in crypto.

Indeed, premium members have access to some wonderful perks. There are entry and exit alerts, a video lesson library, digital trading courses, private channels, access to the community's webinars, premium scanners and indicators, and even one-on-one mentorship opportunities. You can explore the full list of perks for each tier on the CryptoTraders membership page.

YouTube video


  • Membership: Paid Community
  • Year Founded: 2019
  • Amount of members: 114,600
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Expand your knowledge:
CryptoTraders offers different digital trading courses and a video lesson library for premium members. Also, you will find other relevant, curated resources such as educational posts and an academy chat.

Access mentorship opportunities:
By choosing the lifetime membership, you will receive one-on-one mentoring from professional traders. This is a great opportunity to discover your strengths and weaknesses and work on them to maximize profits.

Connect with like-minded people:
The CryptoTraders server allows you to connect and interact with over 114,600 investors and traders from all over the world. Is an awesome server to bounce off ideas and experiences with others.

  • Monthly Cost
  • Yearly Cost
  • One Time Cost

Included in Free Version

You can get full, free access to the community for 14 days. After that, if you decide to stay, you will need to select one of the three premium membership tiers.


No requirements.


Learning Events

The community includes many opportunities for members to learn more about trading and crypto investing in general. If you choose the Gold Trader membership, you will get a lifetime webinar pass. This allows you to access all the community's webinars, which are awesome learning opportunities. Additionally, the Platinum Trader membership also includes one-on-one mentorship opportunities, which allow you to get professional guidance and support on your trading journey.

Networking Events

Members of CryptoTraders keep in touch through a Discord server. There are many channels, both for general discussion and topic-based talks. You can leverage the Discord server to ask questions, request advice, and learn from others' experiences. It's indeed an awesome server to interact with like-minded people, make new friends from all over the world, and even expand your professional network.

Content Library

The community offers different trading content and resources. On the one hand, the "#educational-posts" section allows you to access curated, relevant content such as articles, links, and videos. On the other hand, the "#academy-chat" channel is the space where members can discuss trading and crypto topics to enhance their learning journey, both via text and voice.

Additionally, the Gold and Platinum memberships include access to a video lesson library. This library is full of tutorials and educational drill-downs for you to train yourself and get deeper knowledge about trading. Moreover, you can use a daily watchlist, entry/exit alerts, and premium scanners and indicators to make better investing decisions.


Members who buy the Golden and Platinum memberships have access to digital trading courses. These courses allow you to learn at your own pace and quickly become a better trader.


"I’ve been an Elite member of CT for over 2 years. I started my journey on XTrade and quickly transitioned my investments to 100% crypto. I would not have stuck with crypto if it wasn’t for this group of phenomenal traders. I caught Doge because of this group in early 2021, and it was life-changing. Nowadays I’m learning how to chart, and am not the paper-handed, emotional trader I started out as. Special shout-out to @𝐍𝐀𝐙™ for their calls, I’m grateful for this community!" -Cryptoniteynite

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