
Deen Developers is a community crowdsourcing talents (mostly developers, but also creators) to create innovative solutions to societal problems.

Community members connect and interact in a Slack group. Inside, you will find over 600 members from all over the world, who gather to collectively think about solutions that can give back to their communities. The Slack group is also the place where you can find out about Deen Developers' events.

The community regularly organizes events like workshops and hackathons. The last hackathon was in November-December 2021. In that event, hundreds of developers and creators gather to think about innovative solutions to problems that deafblind communities are facing. One big theme of that event was how poor accessibility features difficult the access of deafblind persons to technology.

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Join a positive community of developers and creators:
Deen Developers is a community of developers, designers, and creators that is crowdsourcing talents to create innovative solutions to societal problems. Join to discover how your skills can improve the world!

Learn how to use your skills to do some good:
The community is always seeking new ways to use members' skills (mostly in the technology field) to give back to their community, helping thousands of people around the world.

Participate in diverse learning events:
Deen Developers host workshops and hackathons regularly. You can join these events to collectively think about solutions and build impactful projects.



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Learning Events

The community regularly organizes hackathons and workshops with the purpose of solving diverse societal problems. For example, the last hackathon was in November-December 2021 and addressed possible solutions to the problems that deafblind communities face. You can learn about all the Deen Developers' events in the Slack group.

Networking Events

Community members interact in a Slack online group. Inside, over 600 members from all over the world gather to discuss how to collectively use their talents to solve diverse societal problems. You can meet other developers and creators and think about how to use those skills together to innovate, create new solutions, and build impactful projects. This online group is the perfect place to meet other people who want to use their skills to do some good.


The community is crowdsourcing talents from the technology field to innovate and build solutions to societal problems. It has an impact in communities such as those who are deafblinds, which most of the time don't have the appropriate accessibility features to navigate technology easily.


"So the @DeenDevelopers hackathon is over and I’m wiped but still buzzing from this amazing experience. What a weekend and I got to share it with some remarkably talented people." -Twitter User

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