
Deep Fix is a paid community of creatives and explorers where members gather to discuss diverse spiritual and philosophical topics.

The Deep Fix community is a group of writers, artists, entrepreneurs, professors, activists, healers, therapists, yogis, recovering addicts, and other types of diverse people. The community focuses on dialogue by gathering bi-weekly to discuss diverse topics via Zoom. Additionally, they participate in a virtual book club.

On the other hand, members connect and interact both within a Discord server and in in-person meetups in major cities around the world. Deep Fix is a great community to join to find like-minded people, make new friends, and learn from others. You can also expand your network with the community's members directory.

The community is paid, and it costs $6 per month or $60 per year. By becoming a paid subscriber, you get full access to the community, as well as exclusive newsletter posts and a collection of 150+ essays written by the founder.

  • Membership: Paid Community
  • Year Founded: 2018
  • Founders:

    Alex Olshonsky

  • Amount of members: 150
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Make new friends:
On the Deep Fix community, you can meet like-minded people from all over the world. They connect and interact within a Discord server and participate in in-person meetups in major cities across the world.

Dialogue with others:
Inside the Deep Fix community, members enjoy bi-weekly dialogue sessions via Zoom, as well as a virtual book club. Topics range from addiction recovery and psychedelics to spiritual practices and philosophy.

Get Alex's writing:
By becoming a paid subscriber, you will receive not only the newsletter's public posts but also exclusive literary pieces and a collection of 150+ essays written by Alex.

  • Monthly Cost
  • Yearly Cost
Included in Free Version

For free, you can subscribe to the community newsletter and receive the public editions.


No requirements.


Deep Fix organizes bi-weekly dialogue groups that meet over Zoom. Members discuss a variety of topics, including activism, psychology, racism, systemic inequality, death, psychedelics, localism, community, and much more.

Learning Events

As a Deep Fix member, you can participate in virtual book clubs where approximately every 1.5 months a member chooses a read. O the other hand, you can also take advantage of private coaching for founders and executives.

Networking Events

Besides a Discord server where members are able to connect and interact with each other, the community also organizes in-person meetups in major cities. Both are great opportunities to make new friends and develop stronger bonds with other members.

Content Library

As a Deep Fix member, you will receive access to the Deep Fix Directory. This is a vetted, members-only directory of therapists, coaches, counselors, guides, retreat centers, and more. On the other hand, paid newsletter subscribers receive exclusive literary content and access to the founder's full catalog of 150+ essays.


"Alex and I met during a major life transition: new job, new relationship, new city. He has been an extraordinary catalyst and guide across every dimension of my life, from the day-to-day of performing in an intense job to helping me define and express my core values and mission. He is uniquely able to blend the best of spiritual practice and high-performance coaching without diluting either. Our work has spanned meditation over Zoom and weightlifting training to workshopping written memos and strategizing on dealmaking together. After 18 months together, I am in the best shape of my life mentally, physically, and emotionally." -Joe Kahn

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