
Development Source is a free Discord server for developers looking to discuss different programming languages.

The community uses French as the main language. Just a few sections are in English, for example, the rules.

As a member, you can find a peer to collaborate, chat using the general channel, and share media content. Besides, there is a space to ask for support. Additionally, the community has a forum section divided into different channels according to the topic. The topics to discuss are Python, Java, web development, SEO, mapping, 3D, GFX, services, reviews, and more.

Finally, to hang out the community offers a casino section. It has three channels with diverse games: blackjack, slot machine, and balance.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2021
  • Amount of members: 1,000
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Learn more about programming:
The community provides different channels for discuss diverse programming languages. Some of these include Java and Python.

Hang out casually with others:
Development Source has a "casino" section for members to have fun. It has a blackjack, a slot machine, and a balance channel.

Participate in the forum:
The community gives members the possibility to participate in active forums. Some topics include 3D, SEO, web development, and mapping.


No requirements.

Networking Events

Members of Development Source interact through a Discord server. It gives space to both on-topic and off-topic discussion. On the one hand, members can conversate by using the forums section, which include channels like 3D, web development, SEO, mapping, and reviews, among others.

On the other hand, members can use the "casino" section to have fun. It includes balance, blackjack, and slot machine channels.


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