Dumb Money is a free community for investors looking to discover new investment opportunities while communicating via a Discord channel.
There are no requirements to enter the Discord channel. You can interact with other investors from across the world and expand your knowledge. There are many different channels for different investment assets. You can join the channels you are most interested in, to only receive notifications for relevant information. Furthermore, the community's online group is a great place to learn with other investors. You can exchange experiences, ideas, and insights, and discover new ways to grow your money.
Dumb Money was born when 3 friends from the United States managed to grow $30,000 to $30,000,000. They only used Twitter and a 0% commission trading account. Nowadays the community has thousands of followers from all around the world. For free, the founders help to spread this knowledge and help average people to introduce themselves to the investment world.
You can find new content every week from the community. Besides their YouTube channel where they regularly upload new videos, there are one or two live sessions every week. Additionally, their podcast is also a great source of weekly information. Lastly, Dumb Money's founders have created a huge spreadsheet with diverse research tools you can use to make informed investing decisions.
Learn about new investment opportunities:
Dumb Money hosts new podcast episodes and live sessions every week, where they talk about what they are investing in and give their thoughts on the stock market. The community allows you to stay updated and discover new opportunities to invest!
Get support and advice:
The community's Discord server is filled with tens of thousands of people from all over the world who share their own insights and perspectives. You can ask for advice whenever you are unsure about some aspect of your investment portfolio, and get the support you need.
No requirements.
Weekly (on Tuesdays and Thursdays), founders of Dumb Money go live on YouTube. In these live sessions, they reveal their investments and thoughts on the stock market. You can join them with thousands of other community members and interact with them via YouTube chat.
Community members interact in a Discord server. The online group shows a collaborative community where people share information and insights about trends and investing opportunities, based on their own experiences. There are several channels for different investing assets, divided by sections:
The Discord server is a great place to connect and interact with like-minded investors while learning something new every day. You can only join the channels you are most interested in to reduce information overload since it's a very active community!
Dumb Money has a huge spreadsheet with hundreds of useful research tools for investors. There are tools to research financial data, company-level information, jobs data, pandemic analysis, conversational data, web traffic data, and so much more.
On the other hand, the Discord server has also a channel for other types of resources, where members share useful content every day. Lastly, Dumb Money's podcast is also a great resource to learn about new investment opportunities and trends every week.