
Flying Solo is a free community for solopreneurs where 100,000+ members gather to discuss relevant topics on the community's online forums.

It's completely free to register and get access to the forums. Inside, other people starting, growing, or running a business on their own gather to discuss relevant topics like marketing, finances, technology, and more. Additionally, Flying Solo includes a podcast and many articles and guides for members to expand their knowledge.

On the other hand, you can also get a premium Flying Solo membership. It includes access to members-only events and experiences, as well as the possibility to get a listing on Flying Solo's small business directory. Additionally, you can share your business story and get published in Flying Solo's "Spotlight" section.

Lastly, the community has developed "Going It Alone". This is an online course to learn all you need to know to start a business on your own. The course costs $199, however, the premium membership includes the course for free.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2005
  • Founders:

    Robert Gerrish

  • Amount of members: 100,000
  • Online Group: No
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Connect with like-minded solopreneurs:
Flying Solo allows you to connect with 100,000+ solopreneurs who are looking to expand their professional networks and learn from each other.

Discuss relevant topics:
The community's online forums are a great place to discuss relevant topics to start, grow, and run your business, such as technology, marketing, finances, and more.

Learn and expand your knowledge:
Flying Solo offers a podcast and many articles and guides on relevant topics for solopreneurs. Additionally, you can participate in their "Going It Alone" online course, which covers everything you need to know to start your business.


No requirements.

Networking Events

Flying Solo's members connect and interact within diverse online forums. The forums are a great space to connect with like-minded solopreneurs and exchange knowledge and advice. Indeed, there are forums like "Starting your journey", "Marketing mastery", "Tech talk", "Logistics", "Selling online", and more.

Additionally, you can find other solopreneurs in your local area or who work in the same industry by exploring Flying Solo's small business directory.

Content Library

The Flying Solo community offers many resources to members. On the one hand, you can enjoy a Starting Out Kit, composed of a series of articles and downloadable checklists that cover everything from writing a business plan, marketing a business, managing your money, and more.

On the other hand, the Spotlight section features premium members of the community, who share their stories and the services they offer. Moreover, the community has a podcast and a series of guides and articles on relevant topics for solopreneurs.


Going It Alone is Flying Solo's online course. It has over 80 video lessons, exercises, worksheets, and a fully online experience that allows you to learn at your own pace. The course costs $199. However, premium Flying Solo members get the course for free with their memberships.

Benefits with other companies

Members of Flying Solo receive special deals and discounts from diverse companies to grow their businesses. Additionally, those in the Business Class membership get exclusive, members-only offers.


"Flying Solo opened up so many doors for us - I honestly don't know where I'd be without it" -Andrew Caska

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