
Podcaster Community is a free online forum that gathers podcasters from all over the world to discuss all things building and growing podcasts.

It's completely free to create an account in the community's online forum and log in as a member. Visitors can only read the conversations, but members are able to engage in the public areas. Indeed, members can like, reply, and post in the forum's diverse categories.

Categories include 'Workbench', 'Help', 'Podtalk', 'News', and many more. These categories serve as a way to organize the discussions within the online forum. Additionally, the 'Podcasting Guide' category is full of posts with tutorials and resources for podcasters that'll help you to acquire new knowledge.

On the other hand, some members choose to pay a subscription fee which gives them access to additional, non-public areas, events, and collaboration opportunities. They are called supporting members.

Besides, the community meets once a month in a Zoom call to connect and interact with each other. Overall, Podcaster Community is a great place to join if you are looking to meet fellow podcasters and learn how to build and grow your own podcast.


  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2021
  • Founders:

    Craig Constantine

  • Amount of members: 200
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Meet fellow podcasters:
By joining the Podcaster Community you'll be able to meet like-minded podcasters from all over the world, expanding your professional network and making new friends.

Improve your podcast:
This community's online forum is a great resource for you to acquire knowledge about all things podcasting. You can ask questions, request feedback on your podcast, and discover useful insights and resources from other members.

Participate in monthly meetings:
Every month, the Podcaster Community gathers in the 'Ideas Club'. This is a Zoom call where members look to spark new ideas and insights to improve both their podcasts and the community at large.



No requirements.



The Podcaster Community meets every month in the Idea Club. This is a Zoom call where members of the community discuss new ideas and insights to build and grow their podcasts.

Networking Events

Members of the Podcaster Community connect and interact within their own online forum. Here, members discuss all things podcasting in categories like 'Help', 'Podtalk', 'Workbench', 'News', and more. It's indeed a great community to meet fellow podcasters and gain knowledge on how to build and grow your own podcast.

Content Library

The category 'Podcasting Guide' of the online forum contains useful resources for podcasters. These include but are not limited to, tutorials, book recommendations, other communities to join, helpful articles, etc.



"Podcasting can be a lonely experience without friends who understand its unique challenges. Being part of a community of podcasters who are all at different points along their journey offers an opportunity to learn and grow together by supporting, celebrating, sharing knowledge, and forging friendships. I’m so in." -Boston Blake

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