
The THAT community gathers geeks from all over the world. It's a space to learn, work together, and help each other in everyday tasks. To support tech people based in the US, they host in-person conferences in Texas. But also, the community helps developers from 26 countries with online events.

With daily channels to encourage peer learning and support, they provide a free space to thrive. Furthermore, there are monthly in-person and virtual events that cost $15 per person.

For those who are really into the community, there is premium membership available. This membership costs $150 per year and includes access to all online events and activities.

In addition to conferences, you will find office hours, Q&A sessions, and accountability groups with fellow developers.

Start for free to connect with developers in the United States but also from all over the world. With a Slack group with 1,700+ members, the community looks to connect tech professionals and students in daily conversations and activities. Start for free to discover a vibrant community of developers and participate in events to sharpen your skills and learn together.



  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2004
  • Founders:

    Clark Sell

  • Amount of members: 1,700
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Join a worldwide community of developers:
With the mission to leverage peer support, the THAT community encourages participation among tech professionals. You can join for free to participate in Slack channels and live streamings to interact with fellows and learn from experts.

Besides, there are in-person conferences to complement online events. And as they foster an inclusive and open community, ticket costs are really cheap.

Attend in-person conferences and online events:
Join thousands of developers to learn and work together. There are also accountability groups and expert-led talks to help you overcome any barrier in the middle of your career development.

Stay active in online conversations:
Although they believe nothing can replace face-to-face conversations, there are also virtual groups and online events to learn, stay updated and chat. So no matter where you are, there is also a space for you.

Daily activities:
Conference attendants participate in a wide range of activities. There are office hours, expert talks, networking events, and more. You can see the full schedule in the activities section.

  • Yearly Cost

Included in Free Version

You can access the Slack community and the Twitch channel for free.



No requirements.


Learning Events

The THAT community organizes in-person conferences where expert speakers and counselors guide attendants in learning activities. Conferences include access to daily activities, where community members join to learn together and participate in workshops.

If you are a pro member, there's a special discount to buy tickets.

But if you can't attend these in-person events, the THAT community also has another option for you. There are 24 hours long events where you can join other members in learning activities, expert talks, and workshops as well.

Besides, there are community events to review your code or work with new technologies together.

Networking Events

They have a Slack group to stay connected during events but also to stay updated with the latest community news. Inside the Slack community, you will find 1,700+ fellow developers seeking to share their knowledge and learn from others.

In addition, they have online communities categorized by programming language, professional activity, and interests.

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