The Utopia is a community for marketers looking to start profitable online businesses. They offer courses for freelancers, agency owners, and marketing professionals to help them earn their first dollar online.
With 33+ courses and 4000 strategies to apply at work, their members learn how to reach $10k in their first month. Besides, the community host weekly live strategy calls and online channels to leverage peer support.
You can join by paying a monthly fee of $25 or choose a $199.99 yearly membership. Members gain immediate access to the whole courses library and the online Discord community with thousands of marketers.
In addition, The Utopia has a self-hosted community, where you can connect with other members and participate in meaningful conversations. Inside the platform, you will learn from customer support to advanced SEO strategies. But also, members can share their learnings with the community. In the topics section, you can share articles and content to help other members grow.
Join to learn in community, share your wisdom, and receive support. Moreover, members can create and participate in virtual events to connect with fellows and cultivate new relationships.
Join a marketing community:
Learning in isolation requires extra effort, but learning in community provides better results. By joining The Utopia, you will be surrounded by fellow learners willing to support your career development. With spaces to ask your specific questions, share your milestones, and bond, the journey becomes easier.
Learn with curated courses:
They have a large library full of marketing courses created to boost your online business launch. But also, the community has spaces to share your learnings with colleagues, enriching the experience even further.
Receive expert support:
Inside the Discord channel, you will find several channels to connect with experienced freelancers, marketers, and agency owners. No matter if you're just starting or sharping your marketing strategies, the online community will aid your growth by providing diverse perspectives.
No requirements.
Inside the platform, members can create and participate in online events. Attend to make the most of your learnings and connect with industry experts.
The Utopia runs in a self-hosted platform with social media features. Once in there, you will have a profile and a feed with content shared by community members. There is a members and a specialty section, where you can see who else is in the room. It's a powerful resource if you are looking to connect with professionals to help you with your online business, or just looking to expand your professional reach.
But also, there is a Discord server, where the community discusses and engages in daily conversations. You can leverage this space to ask your specific questions and request support for everyday work.
In the online platform, there is a specialty section that works as a directory of professionals. You can navigate there to find talented professionals categorized by role.
With 33+ available courses, the community offers a large repository of learning resources designed to help you from the beginning of your career. The program covers all you need to know to set up and manage profitable online businesses with ease.
"Utopia is the best resource for anyone interested in learning online business. Some of the posts I've read are already worth more than the $100's many spend on courses."Â -Eddy