Travellerspoint is a free community for travelers that gathers over a million members from all over the world, who connect in online forums.
All the community's features are free, and allow you to interact with like-minded travelers to bounce off tips and advice. Inside the online forums, you will find travelers sharing their experiences and asking questions. It's a great place to connect with others who also enjoy traveling around the world.
Additionally, Travellerspoint has awesome tools to help you plan your travels. On the one hand, you can browse through several wiki travel guides. There are guides for many different cities across the world, that include the most popular places to visit, as well as some history and accommodation options.
Moreover, you can map out your upcoming travel destinations. By marking the locations you want to visit on a map, you can get an overview of what to visit first, and create your own travel plans. It's easy to share your travel plans with others as well.
On the other hand, the community allows you to create your own travel blog. The blog feature allows you to post text, photos, and videos. You can also explore other travelers' blogs and send them private messages if you want to connect with them. Lastly, Travellerspoint connects you with many accommodation options across the world, helping you plan easier for your trips.
Easily plan your trips:
Travellerspoint has many useful features to plan your trips. You can map out your upcoming travel destinations, create your own travel plan, and book accommodations, all directly from the platform.
Share your adventures with others:
At Travellerspoint, you can create your own blog to share your travel experiences with others. You can also explore other travelers' blogs and send them private messages if you want to connect.
Connect with a community of travelers:
Travellerspoint gathers over a million travelers from all over the world. You can connect with like-minded people in the online forums to bounce off tips and advice about traveling.
No requirements.
Members of Travellerspoint connect and interact with other travelers in the community's online forum. This forum is great to talk about travel destinations with others and bounce off tips and advice. Members use the forum to meet like-minded people and discuss topics of interest. You can even find travel companions inside!
Additionally, Travellerspoint allows each member to create their own travel blog inside the platform. This feature is great for you to share your destinations and adventures with others. In their blogs, members can post text, photos, videos, and links. You can explore other travelers' blogs and send them private messages if you want to connect.
Travellerspoint it's a great community to find destination-specific wiki travel guides. There are guides for different countries across the entire world, and each guide it's a tool to learn about that specific place and locations to visit. Additionally, Travellerspoint allows you to map out your upcoming travels, marking on a map all the places you want to visit on a specific trip. Lastly, with that information, you can create your own travel plan and share it with others.
Travellerspoint connects you with thousands of accommodation options across the entire world, which is convenient when planning a travel. You can book accommodations directly from the platform.
"It’s like the pit stop of traveling – from information gathering to recommendations and a social travel network." -Appstorm