VI-Control is a free community with online forums and a Discord server that gathers musicians to discuss all things virtual instruments.
This community gathers producers, engineers, composers, sample library developers, and recording artists. They work in diverse mediums such as film, multimedia, television, radio, and the recording industry. VI-Control has an online forum that helps composers develop their abilities to build their careers and perfect their craft.
Inside the forum, you will find different sections to discuss diverse topics. These include virtual instruments, sample libraries, sample players, VST/VI synths, studio production, composition, notation, orchestration, and more.
Additionally, the forum is a great place to share advice and tips on building a music career. Moreover, you will find classifieds and a job board to find your next career opportunity and buy/sell music gear. Lastly, the forum also has an off-topic section for you to share interests and hobbies with others, and talk about topics non-related to music.
On the other hand, the community also has a Discord server. This is a tight-knit place to discuss the same topics as the forums in real-time with others.
Furthermore, don't forget to check out VI-Control's resource library. It contains links to lots of useful websites. Additionally, you will find information and educational resources on building a music career and on topics like music theory.
Make new friends:
The VI-Control community is great for meeting like-minded musicians from all over the world. Most members are composers with a passion for creating music by using virtual instruments. If that sounds like you, here you will find your crew.
Discuss all things virtual instruments:
The community's online forums are a must to discuss virtual instruments, sample libraries, sample players, VST/VI synths, studio production, composition, notation, orchestration, and more.
Get awesome resources:
VI-Control is currently assembling a resource library that already has lots of resources. These include links to useful websites but also educational resources to learn about music theory or building a music career.
No requirements.
Members of VI-Control interact in the community's online forum or inside the Discord server. The forum has several sections, including:
Indeed, it's a great place to find like-minded musicians from all over the world to discuss creating music by using virtual instruments. Additionally, the forum offers spaces to discuss off-topic subjects, business and career-related issues, classifieds, and job postings.
On the other hand, you can join the VI-Control Discord server to interact more casually with others. The server offers a tight-knit space to chat in real-time with members.
The VI-Control community has an extensive resource library for composers. You will find useful links to composer organizations, forums and blogs, review and announcement sites, education sites, and royalties information for professional musicians. Additionally, there are resources on theory and composition, and also gig/business-related ones.