
WIP is a community where creators share their new products, stay accountable through peer support, and ship together. You can use the platform to ask for meaningful feedback on your projects and help fellow makers. As a member, you can participate in discussions to learn and improve your creations with other entrepreneurs from all over the world.

You can join them by paying a monthly fee of $20 and get support coming from a like-minded community of creators, along with deals, apps, maps, and widgets for organizing your time, staying healthy, and showing your progress to the people.

Join to launch your product successfully and find inspiration in a vibrant community of creators looking to help each other.


  • Membership: Paid Community
  • Founders:

    Marc Köhlbrugge

  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Supportive community:
Ask what you need and receive help from a community composed of creators looking to improve their products together. Receive meaningful feedback and test new products.
Create your profile, follow new people and stay updated with community members' progress.

Within the platform, you'll find resources for building third-party apps for WIP and use them in your projects, be able to host meetups, add todos and share your progress with the community.

  • Monthly Cost

Included in Free Version

You can access profiles, maps, discussions started by members and apps, but you're not allowed to post anything until you join in.


No requirements.



Members can host meetups within the platform.

Networking Events

The community offers a space where members can freely discuss any topic of interest, and it's a perfect place to ask for help and feedback while developing new products.

Content Library

You can access an intros section where you'll be able to take a look at a list of members' bios and find people who can help you with your projects.


"I've been a member of @wip for 2 months - it's a seriously great community. you post your todos every day and complete them. there are lots of like-minded people building their products here every day. Bravo @marckohlbrugge" -@_ronanmc

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