
Women Make is a diverse and open-minded community that gathers indie women makers and entrepreneurs in a safe, inclusive space to share and learn together.

You can describe it as a supportive community, designed to empower women and help them create, launch and scale their projects. Woman Make's members help each other out, give feedback, and share progress in the group. The purpose is to support others, shorten learning curves, and celebrate wins together.

Founded in 2018, it all started as a Telegram group (still active). Currently, Woman Make has 1000+ members around the world. You can join the community for free because it's sustained entirely by its founder, Marie (with PayPal and Patreon donations and brand sponsorships).

The goal is to maintain the community free so everyone is able to join. Women Make also has a website with a forum and a weekly newsletter. As part of the community, you will find mainly people in the tech industry. But there are people from all sorts of backgrounds, like designers, marketers, artists, and other creative people.


  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2018
  • Founders:

    Marie Denis-Massé

  • Amount of members: 1,000
  • Online Group: Yes
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual


Safe space for women makers:
Women Make was created to be a safe space for indie women makers and entrepreneurs to find each other and gather in a trustworthy community.

Get and give help:
The community works as a group where you can get support and feedback on your projects and give back by helping others with your knowledge and expertise.

Network and celebrate wins:
Get to know members of the community and network with people in your industry. Celebrate launches and wins together!

Free community:
Women Make is completely free to join, and you don't have to meet any requirements. You can support Marie, the founder and moderator of the group by donating to her Patreon.


No requirements.


Learning Events

The Women Make forum has a special section dedicated to events, where members post invitations to webinars, lives, and other digital events to learn about topics like marketing, sales, design, development, among other things that may interest indie makers and entrepreneurs.

These events are not organized by Women Make. Instead, they are members' recommendations of events that can add value to the group. It's a super useful place to find out about events you may be interested in!

Networking Events

Women Make works mainly on a Telegram group. Inside the group, members share relevant resources, knowledge, and advice/feedback based on their own experience.

But besides, it's a very supportive group for women. The entrepreneurship world has been male-dominated for a long time, and inside Women Make's Telegram group you will find the support you need in times when your motivation is low.

You can inspire yourself with stories from other women, and ask for advice in difficult situations or challenges you might be facing. This converts the community into a safe space where you can chat with like-minded folks from all over the world -and maybe making some friends in the process!

Content Library

Inside the Women Make's Telegram group, there is a folder filled with resources.

These resources include all sorts of multimedia files such as videos, podcasts, blog posts, tools, software, among other things, that help women makers to build, launch, and scale their projects. 


"Women Make is a tight-knit and authentic community where women makers really go out of their ways to help & support each other" -Christine Zhu

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