Description is a free community for book lovers and authors to discuss fiction and non-fiction books, along with other related topics.

You can register for free, there are no requirements. helps you with accountability by making it easier to maintain a consistent reading schedule. Indeed, the community chooses one fiction and one non-fiction book to read every 2 months. Then, they create a thread dedicated to every book, that stays open for 3 months. This allows members to have sufficient time to read the book and then discuss it in the forum.

Additionally, the platform is a great place to discuss other related topics, such as creative writing and poetry. It's also a great place for authors, who can get visibility by participating and sharing their work. On the other hand, also includes an off-topic section and several book-related resources.

  • Membership: Free Community
  • Year Founded: 2002
  • Founders:

    Chris O'Connor

  • Amount of members: 9,800
  • Online Group: No
  • Job board: No
  • Language: English
  • Method: Virtual

Meet other book lovers: it's the perfect community to meet like-minded book lovers worldwide. There are thousands of members in the community willing to discuss all things books related.

Get visibility as an author:
Authors can get visibility on the platform by participating in discussions and sharing their work. If you are an author, you can even get interviewed by the community.

Maintain a consistent reading schedule:
Members of read books together. They choose both fiction and non-fiction books to read and create a dedicated thread for that book that stays open for 3 months, helping you with accountability.


No requirements.

Networking Events

Members of connect and interact in the community's online forums. There, members discuss both fiction and non-fiction books, as well as other related topics such as poetry and creative writing. Additionally, there is an off-topic section to discuss religion, philosophy, current events, history, arts, entertainment, and more. Overall, it's a great community to find like-minded book lovers and discuss books together. Additionally, is a great space for authors as well.

Content Library has a comprehensive list of resources that include mostly links to external websites. You can find book discussions (a list of the books read and discussed by the community), author interviews, featured books, emerging authors, best sellers, book awards, banned books, and links to newspapers that include a books section.


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