Pulsión Digital is a community where students and professionals working in digital products join to learn and grow together. Offering several free resources and support spaces, they help thousands of entrepreneurs to uplevel their skills and reach their goals.
Build the abilities you need to manage your projects and launch new online businesses through a varied library of online courses. Participate in webinars, workshops, live classes, and networking channels. They also host a yearly conference where industry leaders guide talks about marketing, eCommerce, services, ads, and management tools.
Join the Slack community and access learning resources for free, or choose a prime membership to deepen your experience.
By paying $9.99 monthly, you'll receive access to weekly workshops with diverse specialists and private networking channels. Prime members' Slack channels offer more opportunities to connect with collaborators and expand your professional network.
Join a supportive network:
Engage in Slack to discover classmates and fellow professionals seeking to learn in community. Share your business ideas, exchange resources, and support each other in their creative process. It's also a place where course participants go deep in conversations and bonding.
Attend online conferences:
Through annual events led by experienced entrepreneurs and marketing professionals, members discuss proven methods and study real cases. You can participate for free to learn about SEO, eCommerce, marketing, ads, and more.
Learn with online resources:
Enroll in virtual courses to master top tools for design, marketing, ads, and management. Connect in live classes to put hands-on projects and learn by doing guided by experts. You can also join webinars and interviews to discover new perspectives and sharp your skills.
Prime members participate in weekly workshops to explore new and practical ideas to implement at work.
Job opportunities:
Within Slack, you can find a dedicated channel to share and apply for opportunities. Whether you have experience or just starting with digital products, they post weekly available positions to grow and uplevel your skills. You'll find mostly remote and freelance opportunities to apply and enhance your professional career.
You can attend free webinars and learn from interviews with entrepreneurs and marketing experts. By subscribing to the newsletter, you'll get free courses and summarized books.
Community chat within Slack is also open for anyone who registers.
No requirements.
Members join in annual conferences where experts voted by the audience discuss proven strategies for launching and managing your online business.
The event runs in virtual channels to connect people from all over the world. In 15-minute talks, experts show study cases and expose strategies to implement in SEO, social media, remote work, and more.
Through weekly webinars and workshops, you'll be part of expert-led talks related to marketing and digital entrepreneurship.
Learn how to reach a broader audience, plan social media campaigns, and sharp your management skills.
If you register as a prime member, you'll get weekly 2-hours long workshops with new strategies to improve your outcomes.
Stay in touch with entrepreneurs, freelancers, and remote workers in Slack channels. You can join for free and discover channels with recommended books, free marketing resources, webinars, job opportunities, and more. Take advantage of the social channel to meet your classmates beyond courses and make new connections with digital entrepreneurs.
Prime membership gives you access to a private Slack community where you can connect with more entrepreneurs and expand your networks. You can also use the space to discover new collaborators or talents to hire.
Pulsión Digital has a Youtube channel with prior webinars and interviews you can replay for free. You can also find recorded conferences and podcast episodes.
Within the tools section, you'll find recommended services to boost your productivity and increase your outcomes.
If you're looking to contact fellow professionals, navigate within the members' directory to find entrepreneurs and creators.
They run live courses to help to build your skills through online training and live classes. You can enroll to learn about WordPress, community management, SEO, blockchain, design, and more.
Pricing starts at $49 and varies based on the course schedule.
Prime membership includes $50+ in discounts for Saas, courses, and services with monthly updates.
"I am extremely satisfied with the course, it's very well planned and all the classes have meaning and depth. I take several courses related to Digital Marketing (in recognized places) and I gain much more knowledge of this than of the others. Super satisfied and sure I sign up for other courses that you give (I hope they have more dates later). Thanks for the interest!! You offer an excellent level" -Daniela Vattuone