Quantified Self is a free community that gathers people looking to use empirical methods to explore personal questions through self-tracking.
This community is all about using scientific, quantifiable methods to track data. Members of the community share an interest in self-knowledge and personal development and are looking to use those empirical methods to further progress on their goals.
To do that, members track data with diverse methods, then analyze it, and make conclusions and improvements on their personal development goals. Quantified Self has an online forum where you will be able to discuss your findings with like-minded people, as well as discuss other methods and see what others are researching.
The online forum allows you to connect with over 5880 like-minded people from all over the world. Other ways to connect with community members include conferences, online events, and in-person meetups. Quantified Self organizes in-person meetups in 25+ countries worldwide.
Lastly, don't forget to check out the community's resources. You will find a get-started guide, a collection of diverse empirical methods to start your research, pieces of research done by Quantified Self, projects examples done by members, and more.
Gary Wolf and Kevin Kelly
Learn empirical methods for personal development:
The Quantified Self Community is all about learning how to use scientific quantitative methods to track diverse personal development goals, and you can do just that by browsing through the community's resources.
Connect with like-minded people:
Inside the Quantified Self online forum, you will find thousands of like-minded people from all over the world who gather to discuss how to track and quantify diverse types of goals, sharing their progress and discoveries.
Participate in engaging events:
Quantified Self organizes diverse conferences in different locations around the world for members to participate in. You can also join in-person meetups in over 25 countries worldwide.
No requirements.
You can see current events or past events on the Quantified Self website, which mostly consist of in-person conferences.
Members of the community interact both in the online forum and at in-person meetups. You can join either to find like-minded people interested in personal development tracking through quantitative methods.
Quantified Self offers several resources for members to get started on the platform. On the one hand, you can find a portfolio with diverse research pieces and a get-started guide to start using empirical methods to explore personal questions.
On the other hand, the community also offers resources for scholars and healthcare workers as well as a show-and-tell page. This includes hundreds of self-tracking projects for members of the community searchable by tool and topic.